At the end of the day or week you might wonder, “why do I feel like I’m not doing enough?”. You’re not the only person that’s thought of this. If you have ever had a todo list, a deadline for class, or a job then you know the feeling. Being unproductive can be negative but we must also realize that doing nothing can also be healthy at times. Let’s talk about what feeling unproductive can do to you from both perspectives, how it can creep up on you, and things you can do to reduce it from your life or understand that you just really need to take a break.

Why Do I Feel Unproductive?
Everyone has days when they feel unproductive. If you are like most people you may be wondering why you get in these moods. There are some common reasons why you may be feeling unproductive from time to time.
You Have Unrealistic Expectations
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be your best, however, you need to keep things in perspective. There are going to be times when you need to take a break or ask for help. You cannot work 40 hours a week, workout everyday, cook healthy meals, help your friends move, keep the house spotless and then head to happy hour with your girlfriends. There are not enough hours in a day! It can work for a while but you will eventually burnout and once you reach this point of exhaustion nothing will get done. You need to focus on doing the best you can and finding a balance that you can maintain. You have your limits and so do the people around you. You should not compare yourself to others and you be proud of what you are able to do in the time that you have.
You’re Not Practicing Self-Care
You may feel that taking the time out of the day to take care of yourself is selfish. You have many other things you need to get done so you feel it’s a waste of time. This couldn’t be further from the truth! In order to be your best, you need to make sure you get enough sleep, find a way to reduce stress, and eat a balanced diet, and do something that makes you happy. These are the basics of self-care. If you are not doing these simple things, you will be inefficient and unproductive. It is 100% OK to reserve time for yourself. You have to take care of yourself before you are able to take care of others.
A Lack Of Gratitude
Sometimes you can feel unproductive based on your place in life. You need to be happy with what you have and how you’re doing. You have a roof over the head and food on the table. Learn to practice gratitude and be thankful that you have these things because so many people do not. If you appreciate what you have you will get up every day with the intention to get things done. It’s important to understand that your work doesn’t always have to be life changing to be productive, but instead, provides the life you currently enjoy as well. Feelings of unproductiveness can go away with a simple shift in mindset and gratitude. Give it a try. Starting a gratitude journal is an excellent way to get started if you’ve never done it before.
How Do I Get Over The Feeling That I’m Not Doing Enough?
There are times when we feel no matter how hard we try we are not doing enough. We can’t seem to let go of the idea that there is always something more we can be doing and more we can accomplish. Below are some ways to help you get over feeling like you are not doing enough.
Reduce Commitments
There are only so many hours in a day. You have work and maybe family responsibilities that you need to take care of. You may not be able to take on more responsibilities at your job. You may not have time to do happy hour with coworkers this week. You need to accept this and do what you can. You do not have superpowers and taking on too much can take a toll on your productivity. You are not able to help everyone and get everything done. Once you realize your limitations you will be much better.
Pressure From Friends
Your friends may need help from time to time. That is fine but if you cannot make every social engagement you should not feel bad about it. You are busy and have your own stuff going on. If you can help them that is great. If you are not able to, it is okay to say no. They will understand. Once you realize this you can go on and live a much happier life.
How Do I Stop Feeling Unproductive?
There are times when we feel that we cannot get things done. We may want to be motivated and work on things but we do all have feelings of unproductivity. There are some things that may be standing in our way. These are some things that we can do to help us stop feeling unproductive.
Unplug From Technology
It seems that our smartphones are attached to our bodies. We constantly check social media. We are always on our phones checking email, news, and notifications from apps. In order to become more productive we need to unplug from technology and all of the distractions they create. Without the distractions you will be able to focus on the task at hand and get things done effectively. For your peace of mind, shut off the devices, concentrate on what you need to do, then you’ll be able to enjoy whatever you’d like once you’re finished.
Focus On Your Tasks
Most people spend more time on procrastinating than actually working. There are some things that you can do to become more productive at work. You can go for a short walk. Stand up and do some breathing exercises. This will allow you to refocus when you come back to work re-energized.
At work, you can also make a list of the things that you need to accomplish. You should write them down by priority and then cross them out as you go. They will allow you to see what you are accomplishing during the day and know that you are getting things done.
Be More Proactive
If you know that something needs to be done, don’t put it off! You should work on getting it done right away. Being proactive can be tough sometimes, but you always feel better when you do it. Dealing with a problem before it becomes a bigger issue is such a good feeling. It is way better to be proactive than reactive and it’s definitely less stressful. It just requires a little willpower. Affirmations are a way to help you develop this over time.
How Do I Recover From Unproductive Days?
There are days when you are not going to be as productive as you would like. This happens from time to time. You may be tired, not feeling well, or just need a break. It is okay to have these days every now and then. These are some ways that we can accept our unproductive days.
Prepare For A More Productive Day
It is okay to have days when you are not productive so it’s best to just accept it. If you don’t get as much done as you were planning, don’t worry. Sometimes understanding that you’re not your normal self that day and getting prepared for the next day can be a great compromise. You will have everything in order to really get moving when you’re feeling more productive and you can get things done on time.
Acknowledge Your Accomplishments
You also need to look at the things that you have already done well. Give yourself some credit for this. You should look at all of the good things that you have done. If you get a day where you may not be as productive as you like you should remember all of the times that you were and allow yourself the time to relax. Feeling unproductive doesn’t mean that you’ll always be that way. Remember your previous successes and give yourself some grace.
Reduce Stress
You also need to take the time to remove stress from your life. If you are stressed out you will not be able to get things done. You need to take a day now and then for yourself. You need to do this so you can become more productive and feel better. Stress can harm productivity so it is important to find ways to eliminate it.
Everyone has days when they feel unmotivated and feel like they’re not doing enough. It’s important to know that this is okay from time to time. You are human and can only get so much done at one time. You should look at what you do well and give yourself praise for that. Take that needed break and get back to handling business when you’re feeling better. Good luck on your journey.