Albert Einstein once said “I never think of the future – it comes soon enough“. Being present in your daily life is what he was speaking of. Constantly being worried about the future and the consequences of our past can plague our lives. We just can’t stop to smell the roses due to the constant fear of what could go wrong. Some people are so affected they can’t even enjoy the blessings that life grants them everyday. The good thing is that there is a way out. With some of the techniques we’ll mention below such as expressing gratitude and affirmations, you can start to become more present and live in the moment. This will lead to a much more fulfilling life and make for much more memorable experiences in all walks of life.

What Does Being Present Mean?
Being present simply means focusing on what’s happening now. It involves appreciating the present moment without the distractions of yesterday or tomorrow. Taking the time to observe your surroundings, being mindful about how you feel about what is going on at this exact moment in time.
Your mind can easily wander from your present activity very often. This can happen when you feel bored or stressed. Being present is not as easy as it sounds. It requires intention, thoughtfulness, and the hardest part of all–persistence.
What Are The Advantages of Living in the Moment?
Oftentimes, the challenges we face just won’t allow us to live in the moment. The constant demand for an improved version of you, the constant desire to be perfect, are some of the main causes of anxiety and self-doubt.
We are all bound to slip out of the present moment, but with enough practice, you can reduce the chances. Below are some advantages you will enjoy by being present in your daily life.
1. Your Social Skills Will Improve
You are more likely to struggle in a conversation if your mind is focused on other things. If you focus your attention on the people you are conversing with and listen as they talk, the conversation will seem to just flow. Being present also helps you with listening. Present listening will show through your body language and even the quality of questions you ask. It makes the connection stronger and people will remember how you made them feel. Their perception of you becomes generally better overall just because you’re able to control your own thoughts while having a discussion.
2. You Will Be More Productive
Anyone who’s ever had a demanding job will tell you that they work best when they are “in the zone” and not thinking about much. It’s called being in a flow state. While in flow, you become hyper-focused and things just come out of you and it feels amazing.
When you truly focus on the task at hand, your mind starts to release your productivity and creativity as well. Overthinking such as self consciousness and self-doubt can cause mental blocks. The best way to produce good work is to let it go in the moment and see what you’re capable of.
3. You Become More Appreciative
When you are present in your life you focus less on the problems of the world. Analyzing people and things can cause anxiety. When you become more present in your daily life you start enjoying the little things life has to offer. Your world suddenly becomes more colorful and brighter. You realize things that you viewed as common or normal are actually quite fascinating. You enjoy life like a kid without a care in the world. Your gratitude will begin to radiate and it can even enable you to tackle some of those issues in the world that you care about.
4. You Will Reduce Stress
Stress can make you really sick. Our minds are usually the culprits that cause stress. Living in the moment enables us to relieve ourselves of toxic or worrisome thoughts and in the process relieve us of stress.
How Can You Be Present In Your Life?
Being present involves a strong desire to change the norm. We have the shortest attention spans than any other generation before us. With technology all around constantly fighting for our attention, social media, and so much more–it’s easier to distract your time with mindless tasks than it has ever been. Below are some ways to combat these issues and become more present in your daily life:
1. Detox From Technology
Take time away from the gadgets every day when you can. Your computer, phone, TV, and dare I even say your smart watch, stay away from them all! Set limits on apps that burn your time. Use this time to take a walk, grab a book you’ve been wanting to read, or just connect with nature.
This practice can be incorporated into other activities like lunch or dinner. Have your meals with all your tech gadgets out of arm’s reach. Have your family and friends do the same for an even more enjoyable experience for everyone.
2. Be More Mindful
Our daily schedules can be tight sometimes but it is important that we create time for mindfulness. When we pay acute attention to what is happening, not only around us but within ourselves too, we begin to appreciate what we’re actively experiencing much more. Everything suddenly becomes more fun, more interesting, and more delightful.
3. Avoid Multitasking
The easiest way to get your mind to focus on being present is by doing one thing at a time. This will help you zero in on specific goals. You’ll get things done more effectively, and with higher quality. You’ll remember more from experiences which only helps you to appreciate it more. I’m going to say it again. Put that phone down! It will have an immediate effect on how you perceive things around you for the better.
4. Practice Gratitude
It doesn’t really get the attention it deserves but being grateful for the many things you have in life can make a huge difference. When you embrace the various aspects of your life you begin to appreciate them more. We don’t have to wait until we are threatened with the loss for us to be grateful for what we have. Learn to appreciate family, friends, colleagues, and even the sunshine. A great way to do this with intention is to start a gratitude journal. They have many amazing benefits and really help you to appreciate all the good happening in your life.
5. Listen For Understanding
Most people listen to others so they can respond. When you listen to truly understand others, the conversation and connection will be much deeper. Stop thinking about what you will say when they finish speaking. Be present in your conversations with others by listening with the interest to understand things from their perspective.
6. Practice Self-Care
This is simply treating yourself. Make yourself feel good once in a while. It can be going to the massage parlor, getting an expensive hairstyle, or simply taking time to get some rest. Treating yourself well helps you realize that we don’t need others to be happy. Take some intentional alone time, you won’t regret it.
7. Stop Worrying about the Future
The main cause of self-doubt is the fear of not being able to handle future situations. You want answers to all your problems all at once. Try to think less about these questions and be confident that you can handle whatever comes your way. A good way you can reduce future worry is with positive affirmations. We have plenty of confidence affirmations to choose from in our app on iOS or Android.
8. Eliminate Distractions
Most people can’t get their minds to concentrate on one thing and one thing alone. Their focus is ever shifting from one matter to another. Whether it’s work, children, side hustles, your spouse, etc; Identify your distractions and make plans on how to manage them when you need to focus on something different. This will vary depending on your stage in life, but it’s well worth actively thinking about ways to improve here. It won’t be perfect, but a plan can make things a lot more manageable.
9. Embrace Your Feelings
Sometimes we over analyze our feelings so much we create problems that don’t exist. Feeling down or weak is perfectly natural and normal. We all have issues to deal with. Take it easy on yourself and accept your present feelings. If you need to talk to someone, find a therapist that can help you explore your emotions and make peace with them. This is radical self-care that we all need to do more often.
When Is Best To Practice Being Present?
Being present in your daily life doesn’t happen immediately. It takes intention and practice. One way to get started is to focus on it during tasks you always do everyday to see if you can slow down and acknowledge the moment. Below are some examples of times you can practice being present.
1. The Moment You First Wake Up
Instead of hitting your alarm clock and jumping out of bed, take a few seconds to feel your body awaken. Express gratitude for being alive another day and being able to see your family and friends. Breathe in and out and feel your organs come to life. It sounds cheesy, but try it out. It sets the tone for being present the rest of the day.
2. During Your Meal
Be present as you eat, enjoy each bite. Notice the various aspects of your food like color and smell. If you’re eating with someone, you can practice listening to them more deeply and having a stronger connection.
3. During Work Breaks
During break time, try to slow down and be present with yourself. You can go to a quiet place and do some breathing exercises. A quick meditation works wonders. There are a ton of things you can do during your break. Check out some self-care tips while working from home if you want more inspiration.
Final Thoughts on Being Present
Being present in your daily life is the very first step to appreciating who you are. We put so much effort into obtaining more without realizing that we already have so much. So, worry less and let things flow by themselves. What is yours will find you and whatever situation you face you will handle it just like you’ve handled situations before.