If you’re preparing to take an exam soon, you’ve probably got a lot on your mind. Maybe you’re wondering if you’ve studied enough. You could have some anxiety around failing. You might even be doing a last minute cramming session hoping for a little luck (we’ve all been there). Regardless of what’s going on, one thing is for sure–you can’t do your best with negative or anxious thoughts and low confidence. Affirmations for exams can actually help you clear your mind from those bad thoughts and give you a bit more of a chance of success when it comes to taking your test.

Why Affirmations For Passing Exams?
Affirmations have a very positive effect on how our bodies perform. From reducing stress, becoming more self aware, building confidence, receiving criticism, the list goes on and on. These are all great reasons, but there are even better reasons that affirmations for students are amazing if you use them correctly.
Create a habit of studying
Practicing affirmations for success in exams doesn’t mean you only do them the day of the test. I can’t stress enough that affirmations are not a magic pill. You need to use them as a complementary practice to what matters the most, studying. If you do them early enough, they can actually help you become a better student. Affirmations such as “I love to study” or “I love learning new things” can be excellent statements to practice as your exam date gets closer. It also makes affirmations such as “I will pass this exam” more believable. Which is a critical factor in writing an effective affirmation.
Reduce Anxiety
Sometimes it just doesn’t matter how much you’ve prepared, a looming deadline with expectations to perform can just be downright stressful. Exam dates are stress-inducing by design. They are essentially days that you know you will be extensively challenged on what you know. Who wouldn’t be a little uneasy? Practicing affirmations can help reduce some of that anxiety. Doing breathing exercises as well as various forms of meditation also help. Taking time to release all thoughts and just being present where you are can work wonders as well. Whatever it may be, just make sure it’s something healthy and easy to do that makes you feel good and continue to do it when you feel the anxiety coming on.
Patience and Persistence
Learning something new can be a slow process. Not getting down on yourself is critical to take in new information. Persistence can be strengthened with affirmations. If you consistently tell yourself that you’re capable of learning and you can endure the process and struggles of learning, then you’re going to put that extra time in to master your material. Developing patience is a skill that can be applied to many things, so working on this area is well worth it.
When Should I Practice Affirmations For Exams?
1. When you’re studying
As mentioned before, practicing affirmations in this stage is best as it builds on itself leading up to exam day. Practice affirmations that help solidify your study habits and passing your exam becomes self-fulfilling.
2. The night before your exam
Bedtime affirmations can also help you get to sleep quicker if you’re the type to have a racing mind the night before your test. Be sure to reinforce your mindset with some positive thoughts before you go to bed.
3. During your exam day meal
This is your chance to do some affirmations before you get into the classroom. Take your time, enjoy your meal, choose your favorite positive affirmations and just recite them in your head. Some calming music can also help as well. The main thing to do is relax and try to keep a clear mind.
4. Right before the exam
You’re finally in the building, you’ve sat down at your desk. Do a some powerful confidence affirmations to prepare your mind for the task at hand and give it all you got!
Affirmations for Exams
- I enjoy learning new things
- I am developing sustainable study habits
- I am expanding my knowledge each day
- I love growing in my craft
- I will become a skillful contributor in my industry
- I am patient with the process of absorbing and retaining new information
- I am aware that mastery takes time and I welcome it with open arms
- I will enjoy the fruits of my labor
- I enjoy putting in the work required to grow
- My time will come, I am sure of it
- I have an inner sense of calm
- My anxiety is fading away
- Things work out for me when I relax and let go
- My peace is my power
- I rise above destructive thoughts
- I am focused and persistent
- There are no roadblocks that I cannot overcome
- I believe things will always work out for the best
- I have given it my all, now I will execute to the best of my abilities
- I can do this
Preparing for an exam can be tough work. Remember to not be so hard on yourself, and that as long as you’re doing the best you can, you’re going to be just fine. If this helped you at all we have a ton more on our positive affirmations app available for download on iOS or Android. We’d love for you to join our growing community. Good luck!